Zero Waste is a lifestyle and business approach aimed at minimizing environmental impact and preserving natural resources. For companies, this mindset not only benefits the environment but also fosters stronger connections with consumers and stakeholders. Adopting a Zero Waste mindset is integral to a society that embraces sustainability goals.
At Naturel wood, environmental consciousness is at the core of our business. We prioritize recycling and minimize the environmental impact of every material we use. By repurposing waste generated during the wood production process, we reduce the use of natural resources and contribute to environmental sustainability. This approach creates a wide network of benefits, from energy savings to efficient resource utilization.
To protect natural resources and build a greener future, we actively work to reduce our carbon footprint. Our initiatives led to obtaining the Zero Waste Certificate in 2023, a source of pride and tangible proof of our commitment to nature. We emphasize eco-friendly processes in every product, investing in a sustainable future.
Since 2022, we have eliminated plastic from our packaging processes. For European shipments, we use recyclable and biodegradable materials. From boxes to wrapping paper, every detail is chosen with an environmentally friendly mindset. By using kraft paper and other natural materials, we take our environmental responsibility one step further.